Ok, so I am fed up with Windows and Microsoft products. They keep crashing. Word is SUPER frustrating and hogs resources. More on Word later. My Windows 7 was running great until for some reason the product ID I got from school could not activate anymore. I have never had so many problems just as recently. Usually, this (crashing) would happen only now and then. I would fix it and return to normal operating conditions. However, this time is the straw that has broken the camel's back. Plus, I wanted to play around with
Ubuntu more frequently and this gives me the excuse to do so. I also said to myself that if I can do everything on free/open source software, then I am not going back to having to deal with restriction-loaded paid or cracked software which ties you down to one mainstream path. So, I already had Ubuntu installed by Wubi and decided to make the switch.
So far I am glad I did. Ubuntu or most likely any Linux distro (distribution such as
Fedora, Debian, Kubuntu, OpenSUSE, etc.) I have found everything I need to do my work just as well as in Windows and it is all free!!
As I continue my journey through Linux, I will update as much as possible. So far I have been sticking to the
GUI (Graphical User Interface) just like any Windows version the desktop or whatever it is called is based on windows. I mention this because Linux/Unix uses an open shell or terminal were pretty much everything can be done by command lines. It reminds me of DOS. So far haven't done much with the
terminal window except a few things that I found when googling for some help. One was the installation of KDE in Ubuntu. I believe though, that most things can be done through the windows desktop system in Ubuntu which is why Linux has been more appealing to computer users recently. This is also why I recommend giving Linux and specifically Ubuntu a try. Plus you can install multiple OS on a computer so you don't have to worry about losing a more familiar system if the other doesn't work out for you. Basically, I want to promote trying and experimenting with as many things on the computer as you can which gives you a edge and makes you more marketable. In the case, this post specifically, I am giving options for PDF readers/editors, OSes, and document editors (
OpenOffice and Latex).
Ok off my soapbox and back to the installation of different desktops in Ubuntu (or any other distro for that matter). However, before I link the website where I found it and explain how it works or what it does, I will attempt to explain Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, KDE, GNOME, etc.
So back to good old trusty Wikipedia, :). Ok, I will either quote or summarize what I find in Wikipedia. This benefits myself as well since I really do not know much about any of the things mentioned!
So the definition from Wikipedia gives, "Linux (commonly pronounced /ˈlɪnəks/ LIN-əks in American English,[3][4] also pronounced /ˈlɪnʊks/ LIN-ooks[5] in Europe and Canada) refers to the family of Unix-like computer operating systems using the Linux kernel." Linux is multi-device friendly which can be installed on devices ranging from mobile phones, computers (tablet, desktop, laptop, supercomputers, etc.), mainframes, and video game consoles. Linux is more popular for server use with a market share of 20-40% in 2009. Only about 1-2% market share in desktop computers is the range for Linux while Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X maintain the majority. Linux is, however, becoming more popular, especially in the past few years due to the development of Ubuntu and similar distros (Fedora, Mint, openSUSE). Linux shows the success of a completely free and open source software. "...the underlying source code can be used, freely modified, and redistributed, both commercially and non-commercially, by anyone under licenses such as the GNU General Public License."
Break...ok, wow, so this post has been a work in progress for about 2-3 weeks now! Maybe I can finish it today since I am transferring/backing up files to my redundant back up system (two 1TB hdds; one internal dethe other external; cheap too, around $55 each with shipping from Amazon!!).
More according to the Wikipedia entry is that Linux is usually distributed as a software package made for desktops, laptops, and servers. The distros usually contain the Linux kernel and package software including, utilities, libraries, the X Window System, either the GNOME or KDE desktop, and the Apache HTTP Server. Other frequently used software comprise of Mozilla Firefox (web browser), OpenOffice.org or OOo (full office sweet comparable to Microsoft Office if not better), and many others. Most distros (at least I know Ubuntu has it)also have a software repository full of most any applications you could think of needing including PDF readers/editors/creators, games, plotting software, text editors, fonts, Tex and LaTex software, etc., etc. All you have to do is locate the Ubuntu Software Center under the Applications tab at the top and begin browsing or enter a keyword to search for applications.

Next, before moving on, I am going to list some of the software. I found that there are many applications for the same thing (such as text editors). The best thing to do is to choose one and not worry about the others. You can browse them all, but I wouldn't recommend installing them all. You could choose a few, test them out, then keep the ones you want and delete the ones you don't want. Be decisive and choose one and stick with it unless convinced otherwise.
Compression/Decompression tools:
- 7zip
- Zipper
PDF Software:
- Document Viewer
- Okular
- gv
- ePDF Viewer
- PDF-Shuffler
- ViewPDF
- flpsed PDF Annotator
- PDF Editor
- PDF Chain
- DiffPDF
Multimedia Software:
- Brasero: Create and copy CDs and DVDs
- Empathy: Send and receive messages, an IM account manager; supports AIM, MSN, Google Talk (JabberXMPP), Facebook, Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise, ICQ, and QQ
- Gnome CD Master
- DVD Styler
- QuteCom
- X-CD-Roast
- Desktop Flickr Organizer
- Fotowall
- GIMP Image Editor
- XSane Image Scanner
- Gnash SWF Viewer
- Kopete
- Camera
- GNU Denemo
- Aqualung
- Kid3-qt
- GPixPod
- GNUsound
- Gwenview
Office Tools:
- gedit
- Kate
- GVim Text Editor
- Mousepad
- Leafpad
- KWrite
- KWord
- SciTE Text Editor
- jEdit
- KPresenter
- NEdit
- Scribes Text Editor
- PyRoom
- TEA Text EditorQuick Ubuntu/Linux tip: Setting up icons
- Pyntor
- GWrite
- djvusmooth
- Zoho Webservice Word Processor
LaTex Software:
- LyX Document Processor
- Emacs
- Kile
- Texmaker
- Winefish LaTex Editor
- TeXworks
- DVI Viewer
- GNU TeXmacs Editor
- wxMaxima
- Bless Hex Editor
- CodeLite
- Chemtool
- mMass
- Gnumeric
- EasyChem Chemical Structures Editor
- RLplot Graph Generator
- Bless Hex Editor
- XTide Tide Predictor
- Cadabra
- GNU Octave
- QtOctave
- Oregano
- EdenMath
- PlotDrop
- Kayali
- Scilab
- GNU Paint
- E-book readerne
- KAlarm
- KTouch
- Verbiste
- DOS Emulator
- Subtitle Editor
- Fontmatrix
- KWordQuiz
- BasKet Note Pads
- Language Translator
- BibleTime
- Mupen64Plus
- NoteCase notes manager
- Gourmet Recipe Manager
- Qtstalker
- Zekr
- Translator
- Rhinote
- Kabikaboo
- RedNotebook
- pyRenamer
- TaskJuggler
- Dasher
- KMail
- GNUCash Finance Managment
- GKrellM System Monitor
- Grisbi
- Home Bank
- KNode
- FCE Ultra
- MultiGet
Terminals and Shells:
- Hotwire Shell
FTP Software:
- The FTP client
- Filezilla
- kasablanca
- bareFTP
Developer Tools:
- Kommander Editor
- Editra
- Scribes Text Editor
- medit
- PyRoom
- TEA Text Editor
- Qt Creator
...and much, much more. I will try to update and post on software I use and let you know what I think about it or any tips/ticks/ideas/etc.