Friday, March 16, 2012

LaTeX formatting - right alignment \ruggedleft

Here is a small thing, but I'd thought I'd post it since the small things can be big. Anyways, I was cleaning up my CV and the template I found and am using had my information at the top using this code.

  212 E. Emerald Ave \\
  Knoxville, TN 37917-5531
 Phone: (812) 531-9006 \\
Email: \href{}{} \\
Homepage: \href{}{}

Now the CV looked like this.

Now this is ok, but I decided I wanted it aligned to the right.  So I use the command \raggedleft to do this.  Found here:

The code now looks like this:

  212 E. Emerald Ave \\
  Knoxville, TN 37917-5531
 \raggeleft Phone: (812) 531-9006 \\
\href{}{} \\

So I decided to remove the "Email:" and "Homepage:" as well.  Don't worry, my CV is a page on my blog and a few other sites so my info is out there anyways.

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