Friday, August 5, 2011

Fundamental Thinking: Convert bibtex entries to \bibitem in Latex

A helpful post to convert bibtex entries to the \bibitem style in LaTe

Fundamental Thinking: Convert bibtex entries to \bibitem in Latex

Here is the original post Josh refers to.

\bibtex to \bibitem -

I found the instructions here to be more helpful and straight forward.

2-cent tip: BibTex to bibitem format -


Create a refs.bib file with all the BibTex entries, which are easily available from Google Scholar or similar

Create a "dummy" .tex file with the following entries:

Now, do the following:

$ latex dummy
$ bibtex dummy
$ bibtex dummy
$ latex dummy
You will see a dummy.bbl file containing all your BibTex entries in \bibitem format.

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