LaTeX/Bibliography Management - Wikibooks, open books for an open world: "LaTeX/Bibliography Management"
Edit: 8-5-11
Some additional LaTeX bibliography links:
Using Bibitems -
LaTeX tips: Bibliographies -
LaTeX Tips: Top Ten Tips for Bibliographies -
Hypertext Help with LaTeX - \bibitem -
Here is a helpful link with some example bibliography entries using \bibitem;
The LATEX Bibliography Environment -
Here is an example of an integrated bibliography and one entry.
\begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{lamport94} Leslie Lamport, \emph{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}. Addison Wesley, Massachusetts, 2nd Edition, 1994. \end{thebibliography}
This code is inserted at the end of your document, usually right before the command
This can be helpful for smaller bibliographies or if the user doesn't want to make a separate .bib file. I usually prefer to just make a .bib file for each project since I have a master .bib file and I just copy and paste the needed references into the individual .bib file utilizing BibTeX The number nine inside the braces {9} depicts on the expected number of bibliography entries. For example, for under 10 the {9} is used, under 100 the {99} is used, etc.
Here is an example entry from one of my bibliography entries.
@book{Ozisik_FDMHT_1994, address = {Boca Raton, FL}, author = {\"{O}zişik, M. N.}, isbn = {0849324912}, mendeley-tags = {UTSI}, publisher = {CRC Press}, title = {{Finite Difference Methods in Heat Transfer}}, url = {\&pg=PA118\&dq=crank-nicolson\&hl=en\&ei=QAy6Tqf8Noa3twep\_83OBw\&sa=X\&oi=book\_result\&ct=result\&resnum=2\&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAQ\#v=onepage\&q=crank-nicolson\&f=false\_1\_1?s=books\&ie=UTF8\&qid=1320816443\&sr=1-1\&referer=brief\_results}, year = {1994} }
Where I insert the command
\bibliographystyle{unsrt} \bibliography{references-numerical-methods-and-cfd}
at the end of the document before
The {nsrt} is a style preference and the {references-numerical-methods-and-cfd} is the filename of the .bib file. I store the .bib file in the same folder as the corresponding .tex file.
I also use the
command to call for the natbib package in the preamble. Natbib is an alternate citation style which allows for author-year style aka the Hardvard style. Natbib allows one to switch between the general numeric LaTex and Harvard styles.
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